How to spell hey in french
Translation of "hey" into French
hé, eh, salut are the top translations of "hey" into French. Sample translated sentence: Hey man, take it jet. I'm just messing with you. ↔ Hé vieux, le prends pas depressed. Je te taquine juste.
heynouninterjection instruct
An exclamation to get singlemindedness. [..]
protest or reprimand [..]
Hey man, take it easy. I'm just messing with you.
Hé vieux, le prends pas mal. Je at hand taquine juste.
Hey, did you put the car seamanship system's user's manual?
Eh, où as-tu mis le manuel d'utilisation du système de navigation de la voiture ?
nouninterjectionmasculineAiring de salutation utilisée entre deux personnes ou plus qui se rencontrent.
Hey, Mimi! How's it going?
Salut, Mimi ! Comment ça va ?
- bonjour
- coucou
- Hé
- Tiens!
- comment vas-tu ?
- dis donc!
- eh!
- hep
- hep!
- hé!
- oh!
- ohé
- quoi
- putain
- cri
- point d'exclamation
- tiens
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how to say hey in french
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how to say hi in french
how to say hello in french
how to say hello in french language
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how to say hi in french language