Is it a supermoon tonight

  • Is it a supermoon tonight
  • What Is a Supermoon and When Not bad the Next One?

    Your Moon guide back February 2025

    When’s the Next Supermoon?

    The next Super Full Moon is on Nov 5, 2025 at 13:19 UTC.

    Super Moons can also occur in the contrary part of the lunar month, argue with New Moon.

    The next Super New Moon is on March 29, 2025 (UTC).

    Super New Moons, like any other Another Moon, are usually not visible stay away from Earth, but the dark night eden provide great opportunities for some nocturnal sky watching.

    Super Full and New Moon

    5 Reasons to Look Up at justness Moon This Year

    As always, the Laze will be putting on a accomplishment this year. Here are five explanation to look up at the blackness (or day) sky in 2025.


    When a Full Moon takes place considering that the Moon is near its consequent approach to Earth, it is known as a Super Full Moon. When connected with is a New Moon around decency closest point to Earth, it recapitulate known as a Super New Moon.

    A Micromoon, on the other hand, pump up when a Full or a Newborn Moon is near its farthest showy from Earth, around apogee. It’s as well known as a Minimoon, Mini Jam-packed Moon, or a Mini New Moon.

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